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Lift-a-Thon (3rd annual) – May 23rd

Lift-a-Thon (3rd annual) - May 23rd
Categories: Article, Featured News

The Newport Harbor High School Football Team is hosting its third annual LIFT-A-THON to emphasize the importance of our off-season workouts and to provide much needed support to the NHHS football program.

All players will be performing a BENCH PRESS, a SQUAT and the POWER CLEAN for a total max weight.

We will take the player’s combined score to get his final max weight. Each player will get donations per pound ($.05 / $.10 / $.15, etc. per pound) or a flat donation for his efforts. For per pound donations, the amount of your pledge will be the result of the player’s combined max lift scores.

For example, a $.10/pound donation with a combined lift score of 450 lbs. would be a $45.00 donation. A flat donation would be a flat amount regardless of weight lifted. We are asking each player to set a minimum pledge goal of $300.00. Our team-wide goal is $17,000.00. (or more!). GO TARS!

It’s super easy to donate online, or, you can donate “old fashioned way” with a check or cash.

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