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Newport Harbor Football

Cade Feitler Athletic Scholarship

In February 2005, Cade Feitler at 13 years of age, suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of an inattentive driver who ran a red light on Newport Blvd. and broadsided the family vehicle while coming home from Ensign Intermediate. Cade spent 15 long months in the hospital fighting back numerous medical complications. Cade lives at home with his family and spends his days in intense physical, occupational and speech therapy to relearn the things we take for granted, like how to walk, talk and perform the simplest of tasks. It’s been a slow motion miracle that has been unfolding every day through the daily grind of hard work, determination and true grit.

Cade’s story is one of amazing courage and determination. Over the past several years, Cade has shown his tremendous inner strength and will to get better. His fighting spirit shines through every day and he never gives up. Cade has been an inspiration to many, and it is in this spirit that we have established The Cade Feitler Athletic Scholarship.

The recipient of the $1,000 award will be a college bound senior in good academic standing who exemplifies a strong fighting spirit. In addition, the athlete chosen will understand the importance of being a “Person of Character” by living according to the Six Pillars of Character, as endorsed by all of the coaches at NHHS: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. He will be someone that everyone looks up to and admires, sets a good example and works to make the world a better place. Special thanks to family friend Kirk Norton for supplemental funding to keep the legacy of Cade’s scholarship for years to come.

We look forward to presenting this year’s award in honor of Cade’s continued recovery and fighting spirit.

Thank you for considering a donation to The Cade Feitler Athletic Scholarship.

Carson de Avila receives The Cade Feitler Athletic Scholarship
In this photo with Carson and Coach Lofthouse are Kirk Norton and Jay Feitler.

Past Recipients 

  • 2022 – Carson de Avila
  • 2021 – Nick Kim
  • 2020* – Cade Parks
  • 2019 – Matt Eimers
  • 2018 – Raphael Cruz
  • 2017 – Justin Shollin
  • 2016 – Alex Michaelsen
  • 2015 – Max Durante
  • 2014 – Keaton Cablay
  • 2013 – Garrett Hall
  • 2012 – Derek Kula
  • 2011 – Cole Blower
  • 2010 – Parker Norton
  • 2009 – Ryan Iverson
  • 2008 – Ned Lyon

*2020 was COVID year and was played in 2021